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Welcome to the web magazine that is dedicated to bringing you all of the latest news and happenings in the world of Jazz genre music.

You can check out all kinds of news as it relates to jazz music. From reviews of jazz concerts, all of those kinds of topics will be covered on this site. The primary focus of this online journal is that of the musical genre of jazz.
What is Jazz?

Jazz is a musical genre that originates in several African American rhythms and melodies. Through the past century, Jazz became very popular. It first gained widespread popularity in the turn of the last century, and ever since then, the genre of Jazz music has become popular all over the world.
The “San Francisco Bulletin” was the first medium of communication to have published the word jazz, when it appeared in an article of March 6, 1913, to mention the music that played an orchestra of the army. The first disc that included music definitely sounded like jazz, on the other hand, was edited in 1917 by the Original Dixieland Band.
The main characteristic of jazz is that it does not formally cling to a score, relying instead on improvisation and free interpretation. Usually, musicians play a familiar theme within a certain harmonic structure, beyond the freedoms in the execution.
This freedom of jazz artists explains why this genre does not record mass sales. The public is more accustomed to consuming music subordinated to the melody and structured with a refrain, as is the case of pop music.
The most habitual interpretation of jazz includes a solo instrument (like a trumpet) accompanied by a rhythm section (drums, bass, double bass) and harmonic instruments (piano, guitar). Jazz can be played by soloists as well as by trios, quartets or the so-called big bands of several members.
What are the influences of Jazz Music?
Jazz, a popular musical form, is the result of the meeting of various elements, some coming from black African-American vocal folklore ( blues, work songs, negro-spirituals, gospel songs ), others, music European ( marches, military music, ballroom dancing). In a way, the church and the brothel will have been the cradles of this culture and will have marked it with their respective characteristics of fervor and sensuality, spiritual aspiration and existential realism. Jazz affirms the particular sensitivity of the culturally hybrid black people of the United States, and the same goes for the universal definition of the genre as well.
The rhythms, the phrasing, the tonal system as well as certain elements of the harmonies of the blues come from the African music and the musical sense of the American blacks. Three fundamental elements distinguish jazz from European music.
Jazz may primarily be a music genre that was borne from the black culture of the United States. But jazz is born of all music, as it has continued to evolve and absorb other genres throughout its history. If we find in jazz, and especially in that of the 1920s, the trace of negro spirituals, the ragtime, and the blues, we perceive no less other musical influences, untraceable and varied.

Modern Jazz Music
Today jazz has lost all cultural or ethnic identification. He has travelled all over the world, from Europe to Japan, and has been appropriated by so many artists that we finally forget its origins. But New Orleans saloons or Harlem clubs, the style of Jazz keeps that insolent, bad boy style.
Although rather recent, jazz is often compared to old and baroque music. And rightly so, because the musicians of the past centuries, and in particular of the whole period preceding the invention of the printing, do not know any partitions. They interpret from memory, and improvisation then dictates performance. We listen and we adapt to others, we play together, without paper support.
How is jazz performed?
The small formations are often only occasional meetings, simple additions of soloists who came to improvise (we say: “make a jam session”), or meetings of musicians accustomed to “feel” together and improvising in the same spirit: the small “bop” formations. Some, on the contrary, show a pre-established disposition, either by tradition – thus the small formation “old style” is organized around the trio cornet piston – clarinet – trombone – or with an intention of understanding and the concern of an original sound: thus the small formations, reductions of the orchestra of Duke, the trio of Nat King Cole, the Modern Jazz Quartet of John Lewis.
The big orchestra – or “big band” – is established according to an almost immutable organization: four or five saxophones (alto, tenor, and baritone) and sometimes a clarinet, which constitute the section of reeds; a section of three or four trumpets, a section of three trombones, the rhythm section. This intangible disposition implies, on the musical level, an aesthetic little worn to the renewals in depth. So it is within the medium formations, richer in possibilities than the “combos” (small formations) and less institutionalized than the big bands, that the most innovative writing researchers have developed: such as the orchestra Capitol of Miles Davis or the Jazz Group of Paris by André Hodeir.

What is Music Journalism?
The music journalist can cover and write on all types of media. Radio, print media, web or TV, its expertise, and opinions adapt to all media. Specialist of a musical style, a musical journalist attends the concerts, showcase, and shows of artists entering his field of competence.

His opinion is important, read and listened to by his readers or listeners. Unlike other journalists, the content that it is written by a music journalist must be subjective, though honest. Without loving the music he listens to, he has to know if it’s good. It’s his criticism that other appreciate.
It is because of the reviews that are written by the music journalist that the readers will know which sort of new jazz or musical album that they should listen to. And they can also understand which kinds of events and concerts that they will need to attend in the future.
How to Size Up Your Friends’ e-Juice Recommendations
Has this ever happened to you? Were you visiting a new city and you get on Facebook to ask your friends for restaurant recommendations in that city? Have you visited a new city and found a restaurant that seems to offer the kind of cuisine you always loved but you were put off by the fact that nobody is inside the restaurant eating? Do you feel stuck when making out what would normally be a very easy call to make? If so, the problem might be due to how you ask for and process the recommendations of others.
You take the very first recommendation from the very first friend to suggest something, and you go straight to that restaurant. Well, as you can well imagine, all bets are off as to the kind of experience you will get. Sure enough, it turns out that you have a lousy experience.
In this particular situation it’s very tempting to just blame the friend who made the bum recommendation. But it might turn out to be more complicated than you think. You see, when you ask for recommendation from friends or people you respect, you are essentially asking them for their opinion.
Now, this is a very problematic situation because everybody’s entitled to their opinion. While nobody’s entitled to their facts, everybody is entitled to their interpretation of facts.
Everybody has different tastes. We all come from different backgrounds, we have seen and experienced many different things—you can bet that all these differences can add up to quite a bit of difference when it comes to what we think are good, worthwhile or affordable.
So if you put all these things in context, it’s easy to see why taking somebody else’s recommendation may not lead to the kind of experience that you’re looking for. It might definitely not lead to satisfaction.
So how do you navigate this situation? Well, the first thing that you can do is to make sure that you are as specific as you can be when you ask for recommendations. For example, instead of saying to friends, “I’m visiting Dallas next week and I’d like your recommendation regarding where to eat,” try to be specific.
Don’t be surprised if a friend from one end of the country says you should eat at this Thai place, while another friend from the other side of the planet says you should check out this Tex-Mex restaurant. They’re both right. Why? You did not specify.
So do yourself a big favor and apply the filter of specificity. This crucial. Going in, you need to be as specific as possible.
If you, for example, love Thai food and hate Mexican food, then you need to spell out the kind of cuisine you’re looking for. Otherwise, don’t blame your friend if they turned out to recommend the wrong kind of cuisine.
The same applies to e-juice recommendations. You need to be as specific as possible when asking for recommendations. You also need to tie in or cross reference the suggestion with what you know about your friend.
For example, if a friend of yours really loves spicy food, do not be surprised if that person recommends an e-juice flavor that is very, very strong. After all, this person loves sharp, spicy food. What did you expect? Is it really all that big of a shock that this person is recommending a very hard, strong tasting, almost toxic e-juice flavor to you? It shouldn’t be a shock because it is consistent with that person’s taste preferences.
Now, of course, to be polite, you should not cross-examine people on Facebook. You shouldn’t say, “What do you normally eat? Don’t you think a lot of sambal is enough to deaden your taste buds?”
You don’t want to come off as judgmental, you don’t want to come off as harsh, but you should know enough about your friends and their food preferences as well as their vaping history to come up with the proper context for their recommendation. Otherwise, you just have to take whatever you can get. And believe me, nothing destroys friendships more than ignoring people’s recommendations or denigrating them at some level or another.
So be prepared to get a wide range of answers when you go on Facebook or Twitter and ask your friends for their e-juice recommendations. By going about this in a very systematic and methodical way, you increase the likelihood that you would get worthwhile recommendations.
While you may not stick to the e-juice flavors that you get at first, by asking the right questions and processing the answers properly, you will get to the right product sooner rather than later. That’s the best you could hope for.
The best solution, really, is to do things yourself. Recommendations can only go so far. Often times, they lead to all sorts of nasty and unexpected surprises. So do yourself a big favor and try to come up with your own systematic and methodical way of finding the right e-juice flavors from the right e-juice shop that make the most sense in your particular situation.
Now, it’s also important to budget a lot of time for this. The right answer is not going to just fall into your lap. You’re definitely not going to stumble into it.
It often happens that people find a flavor they really like, but as time goes by, they fall out of love with it. They become disenchanted, they start noticing certain small details, which grow and grow over time. Don’t be surprised to discover that the initial flavor that you thought was the best things since sliced bread no had some sort of funky aftertaste.
This happens quite a bit. Nobody is immune to this. It’s just really part of the process. It’s the nature of the beast. The key here is to be as open-minded as possible, and most importantly, to be both systematic and methodical in coming up with the very best solutions as you search.
Better yet, look at it as an adventure. Look at it as a fun puzzle you’re trying to solve. This way, you’re not operating out of desperation. Instead, you’re operating out of curiosity, and interesting things can pop up.